Thursday, May 30, 2013

Finding my road to empowerment introduction.

       Growing up I was faced with many adversities. I started out in this world not having my mother or father for both of them were battling their own demons and wasn't capable of taking care of me. My fathers mother stepped up and took me into her home at the age of two months old and to the best of her ability (at first), cared for me, alongside my grandfather.
       I was raise up in a peaceful home for the first 5 years. My grandmother was a Register Nurse and my grandfather work as an English professor at San Francisco University. Later on I would find out that he was also a pimp who pimped out many of the college girls that crossed his path. We lived in a nice middle class neighborhood where it wasn't uncommon for people to leave their  front doors open during the night because our neighborhood rarely ever experienced criminal activities.  Man, I have fond memories of these times like picnicking in the park with my grandparents, going fishing with my grandfather while we played chest as he spoke to me about the world, determined to make me sharper then a two edged sword. Making clothes with my grandmother at her sewing machine and helping her prepare meals that always taste good me. Yea life was good back then. Everything was perfect in my world up until my grandmother started to allow her adult sons to live with us. With them came their women, their kids, their drugs, and their sexual and physical abuse. With them came the chaos that would soon place me in a different world. A world of unhappiness with what seemed like an endless road to a way out.
      This is my road to finding empowerment and through this road I will reveal myself to the world in the efforts of not only helping myself by going back to my beginnings and facing my fears of self-evaluation, but also in the hopes of sharing my world with an initiative of gaining more revelation, with the help of others. I will share my life and opinions on many different topics and I am open to all comments plus I welcome honesty. I will never provide names or post pictures of people without their prior permission, yet I will keep my blogs as authentic as possible.  From being an abandoned abuse child, a hateful teenager, gang banger, criminal, artist, single mother, love sick woman, an a abused woman turned abuser, homeless impostor, a backstabbing bitch, a loyal friend, author, an inventor with many ideas and failed opportunities, plus many characteristics/titles I once held and currently hold. I AM a woman who now is making life changes by writing her roads to empowerment. And being paid for it. Join me.---------------Road to my empowerment

Faithful Love Brown

 So I am taking the first step into creating generational wealth for my family and it feels good. At the same time I know that nothing come easy in life if it is worth having so therefore I am willing to work hard for my achievements. Like Drake once wrote, " I just want to be successful", because truthfully my biggest fear is failure.